Thursday 20 September 2012

A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime vs Why?!

Sometimes there's simply no denying that life can slap you round the face with a wet fish; you think things are going along fine and then suddenly, out of the blue... Wham! someone's actions knock you for six. You feel hurt, humiliated, angry, unvalued, numb and incredulous. You question things. You question everything

Why?! is usually the first reaction and in most cases a valid question. Sometimes there is an answer; most times there isn't. It's an unpleasant and hideously dificult place to be; this no man's land of unanswered questions. Our minds are wired to find solutions, reasons and answers and they have an unchecked habit of 'creating' answers themselves if left to their own devices. This is usually a bad thing, that much I can tell you!

I am learning some particularly harsh life lessons at the moment; I suppose it's all part of the huge changes I have made recently and I'm quite sure there is more to come! It really is time for me to practice what I preach, take a step back, presence myself and look deeper to see what the truth of the message is really about. I won't lie to you; it's not easy

A lovely friend of mine sent me this message just as I was being slapped with the wet fish; it has helped me see passed the disatisfaction of the basic, reactionary Why?! I'd like to share it with you and hope that it may help you too someday

Lisa x

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend - and they are! They are there for the reason for which you need them. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationaship to an end. Sometimes they die, sometimes they walk away, sometimes they act up and force you to make a stand. What we must realise is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled - their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, to grow or to learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh, they may teach you something you have never before done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But only for a season

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relatonships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant

Thank you for being part of my life


 {image of photo art locket by Irene Suchocki - available to buy at her gorgeous Etsy store Eye Poetry Photography. Seriously dreamy stuff; go see!}

Thursday 6 September 2012

*Designer* - FREE Crochet iPad Cover Tutorial

Want to glam up your iPad? I'm a big believer in making practical things pretty, and if it gives me the excuse to whip my crochet hook out, then all the better as far as I'm concerned! I was playing around with stitch combinations after flicking through a vintage pattern book and my favourite feeds on Instagram and this is what I came up with; it's a basic ripple and fan stitch that uses colour and ridged texture for maximum effect. And this is my current colour obsession: grey, silver and blush

For this project you will need
  • 1 ball each of dk yarn in your choice of colours (I chose 3 and alternated them every 2 rows but you could have as many or as few as you wish. You could even change to a new colour every pattern repeat - rows 3-6 - as shown in the lower sample of the image below and use this as a stash busting project!)
  • 1 crochet hook size 3.5mm or E
  • a large eyed yarn needle to sew up the side at the end
    Please note that this tutorial uses British crochet terminology throughout, so here is a quick translation guide for any of my lovely US friends who wish to make one too!

    dc (double crochet) = sc (single crochet) in US
    tr (treble) = dc (double crochet) in US
    dtr (double treble) = tr (treble) in US

    Let's get started!
    Note: rows 1 and 2 form the ripple shape and rows 3-6 are the pattern repeat. I changed colour every 2 rows in my sequence of 3 colours. I worked into the back loops only with each colour change to enhance the pattern and create a raised, textured effect. The tutorial below instructs for this but you can ignore these extra bits if you like and work to your own colour sequence or keep the work flat rather than raised. The choice is yours!

    For your foundation row ch91
    1. dc in 2nd ch from hook, dc in next 3sts, *3dc in next st, dc in next 8sts. Repeat from * 8 times, 3dc in next st, dc in next 4sts to end. ch1 turn

    2. Skip first dc, *dc into next 4sts, 3dc into next st, dc into next 4sts, skip 2sts. Repeat from * to end. ch1 turn

    3. slst into next 3sts, {change colour here as shown in image above} ch3 (represents a treble) then working into back loops only, tr into next 2sts, *3dtr into next st, tr into next 3sts, skip 4sts, tr into next 3sts. Repeat from * to end. ch1 turn

    4. dc in next 4sts, *3dc in next st, dc in next 8sts. Repeat from * to end. ch1 turn

    5. {change colour here} Working into the back loops only, skip 1st st, *dc in next 4sts, 3dc in next st, dc  in next 4sts, skip 2sts. Repeat from * to end. ch1 turn

    6. Repeat row 5 but work into both loops

    7. Repeat rows 3-6 until the work measures 29cm - ideally ending in the same colour as the first row

    To make up
    • Darn in any ends from your colour changes (tip: I crochet over the ends of my colour changes as I go, in order to save myself this tedious task - you should try it!) and block press the work gently with an iron 
    • Fold the work in half with right sides facing and using the corresponding colour yarn, dc along the bottom edge
    • Take a length of the same yarn with the yarn needle and sew the side edge together using a back st. I followed the line of the narrowest part of the ripple width so that the edge remains straight
    • Sew in the ends, turn the cover right side out and slip it over your iPad!
    et voila! One incredibly gorgeous and rather glamorous, crochet iPad cover!

    What colours did you use? How did you work your stripe combination or did you use just one colour? I'd love to see what you made... please come on over to the Get Smitten Facebook Page and show me your work. We can all ooh and aaah over your scrummy crochet goodness and we can connect over all things crochet, handmade and vintage!

    And whilst you're there, would you mind hitting the 'Like' button too? I would hugely appreciate your support, feedback and suggestions for other patterns for the Get Smitten library. Plus, you'll be the first to hear about any new pattern releases and other fun projects that I organise

    And if you happen to be reading this and are unable to crochet or simply don't have the time to rustle an iPad cover up yourself, you can always place an order for your very own one made by me! Pop over to my Etsy store here and we can discuss your perfect colour choice. It would make a great Christmas prezzie or back to uni gift: just sayin'!

    Plus, I really love to make them! It keeps me out of mischief!

    Lisa x

    {all images by Lisa Pocklington using Instagram Please respect intellectual property and do not sell this pattern. You are welcome to spread the word about this pattern tutorial far and wide providing you link back to this page and credit me as the designer. I hugely appreciate your honesty, thanks!}